.. _CSDK: ********************************************************* C SDK installation and user guide ********************************************************* We explain here how to write FuriosaAI NPU applications using C programming language. The C SDK provides a C ABI-based static library and C header file. Using these, you can write applications in C, C++, or other languages that support C ABI. The provided C SDK is relatively lower-level than :ref:`Python SDK <PythonSDK>`. It can be used when lower latency and higher performance are required, or when Python runtime cannot be used. .. warning:: ``furiosa-libnux-dev`` and the current C API are being deprecated in the future release. As substitute of the current API, new C API based on the next-generation runtime called FuriosaRT will be introduced with more features in the future release. C SDK installation =================================== The minimum requirements for C SDK are as follows. * Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Debian bullseye) or higher * System administrator privileges (root) * :ref:`FuriosaAI SDK required packages <RequiredPackages>` In order to install and use C SDK, you must install the driver, firmware, and runtime library in accordance with the :ref:`Required Package Installation <RequiredPackages>` guide. Once you have installed the required packages, follow the instructions below to install C SDK. .. tabs:: .. tab:: Installation using APT server To use FuriosaAI APT, refer to :ref:`SetupAptRepository` and complete the authentication setting for server connection. .. code-block:: sh apt-get update && apt-get install -y furiosa-libnux-dev .. .. tab:: Installation using download center .. Log in to the download center and download the latest versions of the packages below. .. * NPU C SDK download (furiosa-libnux-dev-x.y.z-?.deb) .. .. code-block:: sh .. $ apt-get install -y ./furiosa-libnux-dev-x.y.z-?.deb Compiling with C SDK =================================== Once you install the package as above, you can compile using the C SDK. C header files and static libraries are located in the ``/usr/include/furiosa`` and ``/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu`` directories respectively. They are the system paths that gcc looks to find C headers and libraries by default, so you can simply compile C applications with only ``-lnux`` option as follows: .. code-block:: sh gcc example.c -lnux Also, you can find C SDK examples and C API reference at `C Language SDK Reference <https://furiosa-ai.github.io/docs/v0.10.0/en/api/c/index.html>`_.